Will Fly For Food
Does the idea of discovering a new take on Mexican food in Guadalajara send you scrambling for your suitcase? Or perhaps your taste buds crave Cajun and Creole dishes straight from the source—New Orleans. Before you get up and go—maybe for the most expensive sushi in Japan—here are some travel tips to make your experience more appetizing.
Get the Real Scoop
The Internet is full of folks blogging and bragging about their city’s cuisine. Tap into this resource and you could be dining at a hidden treasure, and you certainly won’t waste a night at a two-star restaurant. Just be sure to check the validity of any online searches. And trust your friends and networks. Ask questions on social media and include the city’s hashtag to localize your feedback.
Take a Food Tour
You won’t miss a thing when you take a guided tour of the city’s hottest culinary delights. Even if you do find a few off-the-beaten-path places on your own, you will be well-schooled on the main culinary attractions. And when dining, don’t let language be a barrier—turn to Google Translate or waygo.com to translate the menu.
Eat with the Locals
Beyond restaurants, a great way to savor your destination is dining with residents in their homes. Check out sites like eatwith.com to make a mouth-watering connection that’s about as authentic as you can get.
Explore Food Markets
It’s where to sample the regional fare and meet locals who can lead you to the best epicurean finds in the city. You might even go grocery shopping in your new city and try your hand at making your own meal.
Following these steps can help you to savor one of the biggest trends today—traveling for foodies.