It’s me-time!
When you were a kid, saying “me, me, me” might elicit a frown from Mom and Dad, who encourage more altruistic thinking. Well, fast forward to 2018 where me-time is actually a top wellness trend, developed to make you healthier and happier!
We’re not talking about posting more selfies to Instragam here, but thinking in terms of self-care. Whether it’s going to a day spa, listening to soothing tunes, taking a walk, soaking in a tub, taking up yoga or tai chi. The point is that taking care of “me” energizes mind and body and helps you be a better, calmer more understanding person.
What pundits are telling us is that embracing this philosophy is not self-indulgence but a necessity, so go forth without the guilt. And if retail therapy is one of your me-time pursuits, know that we at Garmany are here for you! Hey, we promise that Mom and Dad would approve.