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Funny, they don’t sound Italian

Funny, they don’t sound Italian

Not everything Italian has a name ending in a vowel. One example: David Naman, an internationally known sportswear brand now making waves in North America. How would we describe the line? Sophisticated, elegant and cool, with youthful, understated designs. Eponymous founder Naman built his company from the ground up, and it reflects his youthful focus […]

Dear old dad–literally

Dear old dad–literally

Worried you’ll be the only gray-haired dad in the Little League stands when you finally settle down and have a budding first baseman? Don’t fear: You’ll have plenty of company, as a study shows new fathers are getting older. According to the journal Human Reproduction, the average age of men who had newborns in 1972 was […]

Why you should water down your whiskey

Why you should water down your whiskey

A little H20 isn’t going to weaken your whiskey—a new study shows it’ll actually enhance its taste. The reasons behind the flavor-intensification are mind-numbingly scientific, but it boils down to this: Whiskey includes guaiacol, which contributes to the libation’s smokiness, and researchers from the Linnaeus University Center for Biomaterials Chemistry in Sweden found that when […]

Sweater Weather

Sweater Weather

The oppressive heat of summer will soon give way to crisp fall temps, allowing us to finally break out our coziest sweaters. Hooray! Wearing a sweater not only feels great, but it also instantly elevates our look beyond the basic shirt and pants combo. See, layering is both practical and stylish. And Garmany has a […]

Travel Smarter

Travel Smarter

We all do so much trip planning online these days, wouldn’t it be nice to have an easy way to save all your plane, train, hotel and Airbnb reservations in one place? Well, you can, thanks to Google Trips, a free app that automatically gathers all that information from your email and saves it for […]

Hail the Hoodie

Hail the Hoodie

The humble hoodie has come a long way from sporting events and the sofa. These days, designers have created hoodies with better cuts and nicer fabrics—even cashmere—elevating the casual wardrobe staple to respectable sartorial status. With their new slimmer silhouette, high-end hoodies can be layered under a sportcoat or jacket just as you would a […]

It’s About That Time!

It’s About That Time!

The best thing about fall? Breaking out our boots! Knee-high and over-the-knee boots come in a variety of fabrics and colors, give you a long and lean look and can work with everything from skinny jeans to dressy skirts. Garmany has a ton of tall boots to choose from fall, but here are a few […]

Sock It to Me

Sock It to Me

Your suit might fit you to a T, but how you accessorize might make or break your look. It’s time to kick up your sock game—and we’re talking about more than a new pair in black or navy. Socks evoke a keen sense of style and show your personality, like ties and pocket squares, so […]

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