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The Jonas Brothers are style icons in suits by Etro

The Jonas Brothers are style icons in suits by Etro

In case you’re not in the know, New Jersey’s own Jonas Brothers have reunited after a decade-long hiatus and are back with a new album, tour and documentary. And as excited as we are about the guys’ new music, we’re just as pumped about their newfound fashion sense—it’s like they went away for a few […]

Gents: Here’s how to nail the tone-on-tone look

Gents: Here’s how to nail the tone-on-tone look

Dressing all in one color—known in sartorial terms as tone-on-tone—may seem daunting, especially if you’re a dude who considers yourself more safe or timid when it comes to fashion. But trust us, wearing one color palette from head to toe is easier than you think… and is perfectly on-trend for summer. The main thing to […]

Apple introduces a new way to track your fitness goals

Apple introduces a new way to track your fitness goals

Whether you’re a hardcore fitness enthusiast or simply looking to live a healthier lifestyle, you’ve likely tracked your steps at some point via an app on your phone (or watch…or tablet…). But Apple just upped their fitness tracking game, introducing a new technology for Apple Watch that doesn’t just focus on daily fitness goals, but rather […]

How to wear cufflinks this summer

How to wear cufflinks this summer

 Odds are you’ll be going to a lot of important events this summer—family’s weddings, coworkers’ fundraisers, a friend’s alfresco dinner party and the like. And though you probably won’t have a new outfit for each and every one of them (though you can, with a little help from our sales associates at Garmany!), an easy […]

These are the white sneakers you need for summer

These are the white sneakers you need for summer

Trust us on this—no man’s sneaker wardrobe is complete without a pair of crisp, white kicks. If you’re going to invest in one pair of new shoes for the summer season let it be white sneakers, which are appropriate for all warm-weather occasions, be it a day at the office, a barbecue, or even a […]

TripAdvisor now lets you know which hotels are unsafe

TripAdvisor now lets you know which hotels are unsafe

When booking a vacation, experienced travelers (or their travel agents) always do their research, reading online reviews for the nicest hotel rooms, best excursions, friendliest staff and yummiest restaurants at a particular destination. But TripAdvisor just added a new feature to its site, allowing travelers to also find out if a particular hotel they’re interested […]

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