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Away from the gym

Away from the gym

If you’ve been paying attention, you know that track pants are not just for the gym. In fact, these sporty-chic athleisure pants are back from the ‘90s, and stars like Sarah Jessica Parker and Kendall Jenner are embracing the trend. Confused about what shoes to wear with them? Jenner paired hers with sneakers and a […]

It’s me-time!

It’s me-time!

When you were a kid, saying “me, me, me” might elicit a frown from Mom and Dad, who encourage more altruistic thinking. Well, fast forward to 2018 where me-time is actually a top wellness trend, developed to make you healthier and happier! We’re not talking about posting more selfies to Instragam here, but thinking in […]

Making a comeback

Making a comeback

We all love athleisure pants for their comfy feel, but denim is making a big comeback with so many enticing styles, you’ll certainly want to make room in your closet. In 2017, it seemed that stretchy knit pants had won out over blue jeans for popularity, but the resurgence of ‘90s fashion is giving denim […]

Small in size, big in personality

Small in size, big in personality

No matter your hobby or interest, there is a pair of cufflinks that let you show your adventurous spirit to the world. The subjects may be whimsical—everything from playful crabs to steering wheels. Leave it to Garmany to bring customers not one fanciful cufflink designer, but a trio of brands committed to quality and innovation. […]

Coffee with a hint of health

Coffee with a hint of health

With Americans drinking more coffee than folks in any other land, and Millennials’ consumption on the rise, it’s no surprise that java is s a hot commodity. There’s always a new trend for how to get this must-have brew just right—everything from premium beans to espresso-based drinks like lattes. The latest revolution for your morning […]

Plaids—not just for fall

Plaids—not just for fall

You might think plaids are only fit for fall, but then maybe you haven’t taken a gander at runway fashion this spring. Yes, today’s plaids know no boundaries—with crisp cottons, flattering silhouettes and striking spring colors—they are providing a fresh alternative to the florals that have long dominated the season. Not only did several designers […]

Get in the swing

Get in the swing

If your golf game isn’t up to par, it’s harder than ever to blame the weather. That’s because greater comfort, which includes protection from the sun, rain and wind, is a golf wear trend for 2018. The comfort factor is something that stood out at 2018 PGA Merchandise Show, and it’s likely to get a […]

Getaways that live up to the word

Getaways that live up to the word

Living in the digital world where you’re constantly bombarded by computers and cell phones can take its toll on body and soul. Ready for a digital detox? You’re in luck as one of the luxury travel trends of 2018 encourages communing with nature and rediscovering the joy of a good book. Lest you think you’ll […]

Time to tie one on

Time to tie one on

Business casual might have made the need for ties less important a while back, but ties are trending. Did you know their origin goes back to the Thirty Years’ War that ignited battles all over Europe in the 1600s? It appears the Croatian mercenaries who fought for France tied their uniforms at the neck, and […]

All that glitters

All that glitters

Want to really shine this season? Add some sparkle to your wardrobe – it’s one of spring’s hottest trends—and you are well on your way. Glitter and sequins are no longer just for the holidays. In fact, designers in Italy, London and New York glammed up the runway with shimming embellishments, inviting women to have […]

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