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Author: Garmany

Why Bromances Matter

Why Bromances Matter

Don’t downplay the bromance, dude. According to a recent study, for heterosexual men, a close relationship with another guy is even more valued than a romantic relationship. Professors at the University of Winchester in the United Kingdom interviewed 30 second-year university students about bromance versus romance, and in every way but one, the men valued […]

What to wear for Thanksgiving dinner

What to wear for Thanksgiving dinner

Looking good while still having room for that extra serving of stuffing is a tall order, we know. You can’t exactly show up to your family gathering wearing sweats and a baggy t-shirt, so it’s worth spending some time planning your Thanksgiving outfit so you look great and feel good on turkey day. Thankfully (get […]

How to wear cargo pants now

How to wear cargo pants now

Cargo pants were introduced in the 1940s and used by the Air Force to hold supplies during flights. Their popularity took off during the 1990s, when bigger was better and men loved being able to carry everything plus the kitchen sink in their pants. But with their giant pockets and baggy fit, cargo pants got […]

An easy way to spark creativity

An easy way to spark creativity

How many times have you sat staring at your computer screen just waiting for that big idea to come, to no avail? Next time, go for a walk! Researchers at Stanford University have found that people come up with more creative ideas when walking rather than sitting. In their study, Marily Oppezzo and Daniel Schwartz […]

How to choose the right overcoat

How to choose the right overcoat

You know you can’t wear your North Face parka to your next business meeting. So what to wear to look pulled together when the weather turns colder? An overcoat or a topcoat. First, the difference: An overcoat is a long, heavier coat that is worn on top of something else to protect the wearer from […]

Ladies, it’s cold outside!

Ladies, it’s cold outside!

The cold has finally set in, but it doesn’t have to mean that you’re no longer able to look good, ladies. There are some easy ways to stay warm and cozy while still being as stylish as you are the rest of year. Read on for the key pieces that you need to pull off […]

Born to be scared of snakes or spiders?

Born to be scared of snakes or spiders?

There aren’t many people who don’t shiver at the thought of a spider creeping up their arm or a snake slithering underfoot. In fact, about 5 percent of the population has a strong, inhibiting fear of spiders and snakes. But where does this fear come from? After all, not many of us actually live anywhere […]

The layer you need now: a turtleneck sweater

The layer you need now: a turtleneck sweater

Guys, we know what you’re thinking. You fear the turtleneck sweater. You don’t want to look like a dweeb or some outdated relic of the 1970s. But fear not because the turtleneck sweater is totally in, seen all over designer runway shows the last couple of seasons. It’s a key layering piece that will actually […]

The 5 boots every woman needs

The 5 boots every woman needs

Ladies, with so many shoes and boots out there calling your name, it’s wise to break it down to the absolute essentials so you have exactly what you need for your fall and winter wardrobe. Up your boot game with these five must-own pairs that will take you from day to night and casual to […]

Daydream believing

Daydream believing

Find your mind wandering during that umpteenth meeting at work? Don’t panic. It’s actually a good thing. A new study from the Georgia Institute of Technology suggests that daydreaming during meetings might be a sign that you’re really smart and creative. “People with efficient brains may have too much brain capacity to stop their minds […]

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