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How to wear an accordion skirt for spring

How to wear an accordion skirt for spring

Your closet is likely stocked with mini, maxi and A-Line skirts, but have you heard of the accordion skirt? This skirt, named for its resemblance to the musical instrument, is characterized by its bouncy pleats and adds texture to an otherwise blah outfit. It’s also the perfect breezy option as the weather heats up and you just don’t want to wear jeans.

And the accordion skirt is just as wearable as your other go-to bottoms. Garmany’s style pros recommend keeping your top simple (you can’t go wrong with solid black or white!) so the skirt is the focal point of your outfit. Accordion skirts also look great with wedges, stilettos, sandals or flats.

Come by Garmany to try on accordion skirts from some of our favorite womenswear brands like Veronica Beard, Vince, Moncler and others. Our sales associates will even help you pair your new skirt with a shirt and accessories to match.

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